Earth Empathy is a project of the Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies, developed by Marna Hauk as a fruit of a mentored doctoral course in "Deep Regeneration of Self and World" in the Prescott PhD in Sustainability Education, companioned by the insightful mentoring of Craig Chalquist. The adventures continue to unfold. The Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies is an educational nonprofit forming in the Pacific Northwest to provide graduate programs at the convergence of earth healing, permaculture/bioremediation/ecological restoration, creativity and innovation, and the wisdom traditions.
Earth Empathy Project
Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies
PO Box 14194 - Box E
Portland, Oregon 97293
Pacific Cascadia Bioregion
earthregenerative AT gmail DOT com
Please collaborate and share your ideas, experiences, activities, and resources. We welcome your collaboration to build this resource list, focusing specifically on hands-on and experiential resources. Contact us to stay in touch and remain updated as the effort continues to grow. Welcome home!
Take another adventure in Earth compassion...
Other projects affiliated with The Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies include the Gaian Methodologies Webspace, and Moonifest, offering micro-grants for Women, the Arts, and Earth Regeneration.